26 April 2007


There is a phenomenon I've found in the executive set of the movie studio system that drives me insane. Shitty tipping. I'm not sure what the deal is, but these wheelers and dealers take their high rolling executives out to VERY fancy restaurants several times a week, but seem to have NO sense of how to tip. They generally tip about 10% or LESS.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? You're not even paying for it yourself! The company is reimbursing you! Pay the poor server their share! You were probably snotty and annoying and high maintenance anyway!

For instance, King Lear just brought me a receipt from a VERY schmancy restaurant where he entertained several clients. The Bill came to $525.55, and he tipped only $60!!! By my calculations, a proper tip would have been almost double that. And it's not because he's British. I had another extremely high up boss a while back who wouldn't tip over 7%. I wanted to scream at her.

This happens across the board for practically everyone I've worked with. If I were a server, if I saw studio people coming, I'd probably spit in their food.

1 comment:

The DVC said...

I am sure these people swallow double their daily dose of saliva and other bodily fluids every day that they set foot in a restaurant. Deservedly.