25 October 2007

In The Land of Homophobes

I can't help it. Sometimes my anger gets the better of me, and I get sick of peoples' crap, and I tell them so. I should just shut up about it because they end up hating me and I end up being ostracized for being some kind of PC asshole and blah blah blah.

Just now, a group of annoying co-workers who I'm only tangentially related to were blabbing VERY LOUDLY right behind my desk about the Big Revelation this week that Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter is...*SHOCK!*...gay. WELL, you would think JK Rowling had announced he was a child-molesting serial killer. They just went ON and ON and ON.

"This is what happens when stupid celebrities open their big mouths and say stupid crap when they should just shut the hell up. She needs to just shut up."

"Aren't these books supposed to be for KIDS?"

"I can see Harry Potter all grown up having to go to therapy because he'd been touched by the head wizard."

"It's just like the Catholic Church with the molesting priests."

WAIT WHAT? This is when I just couldn't hold my tongue any longer. "You guys," I said, a little annoyed, "just because he's gay doesn't mean he's a child molester..." and these words are not even out of my mouth when everyone just gives me a look of death and says "We're just joking, HELLO, JOKE? I guess you can't take a joke, etc." Like I'm the annoying feminist bitch ruining everyone's fun.

"She just did it to make millions more dollars," one of them said.

"Um, no," says I, "if anything, she just lost a LOT MORE of her audience for saying that."

"Come on, guys, let's go talk about NON-OFFENSIVE things somewhere else..." blah blah blah and they leave.


Then, yesterday was Stripper Pumpkin Meeting #2. I went simply for the blog factor. The meeting was an exercise in torture. The idea sucked so hard that no one had any ideas for it, and no one wanted to help until another higher up female exec comes in and says, "let's make sure one of the strippers is male." To which the few ladies were like "yeah!" and the men were PISSED. I mean PISSED.

"That won't make any sense at all!" protested the original idea guy.

"Uh, yeah, and strippers with pumpkins for heads makes a lot of sense to begin with," says I. My stupid mouth. He gave me a look of death and insisted it went up for a vote. Of course, all the men said Nay but there was a woman in charge of the whole project so she wrote down "Ken Doll" anyway. HA!

The reason this is bad is because it causes me to Stand Out, and that's never good as a temp. You don't want to be That Feminist Pushy Bitch. You want to be the "uh I think that girl does something here." So I need to shut up. But it's hard sometimes.


Kevin Brown said...

Lying on my sofa trying to ignore the 100 degree African heat, pushing buttons because I only get a handful of emails a week - I feel like I have stumbled upon a goldmine of fantastic writing. Thank you, TW (and crew) for writing.

Anonymous said...

I miss this blog