27 March 2007

Me No KNow How So Good To Writ

Yesterday, SS pulled me into her office with a very serious look.

"Before you leave, I need you to do something for me," she wheezed. "You must talk to UV about her emails."

"Hurgh?" says I.

"Her syntax and grammar are terrible. You have to fix it. Tell her I'm very particular about such things. Tell her you or I need to approve everything she writes before it goes out."

"I don't think I can do that, it's not really my place."

You doofus. You hired her. Her lack of literary smarts was right there on her resume, remember? You specifically WANTED someone inexperienced and ignorant. You said so yourself. Enjoy your long slog in grammar hell. Heh heh heh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have said... "How about YOU do that?"
